Sunday, December 25, 2011


So as we know its winter time in Houston Texas yet.... it seems like up north is where the real winter season is. They experience inches of snow and they have snow days.... Houston has... a cold day and the rest is chilly... I want to know what FREAKN freezing feels like... I want to play in snow and have a snow ball fight. I want to push and be pushed into snow by the man of my dreams bc I think it would be so cute and romantic. And run the streets like silly people because we are running late for the next broadway show. (don't judge me)

You just can't do that in Houston... That is why I shall plan my next trip to New York. But not just any trip, it shall be during winter!!!! That way I can feel and go through a winter wonderland. Hopes and Dreams must stay alive to be fulfilled.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bucket List

1. Throw glitter in the air
2. Rock climb
3. Save up 500 dollars and go on a shopping spree
4. Plan a trip to NY 2012 (done)
5. Zip line in front of a water fall
6. Scream to a water fall2011 (done)
7. Have someone carry me and spin me around in circles until I throw up
8. Do my splits
9. Build upper body strength
10. Scream in public2012 (done)
11. Have champagne
12. Snow board
13. Fly a kite
14. Ice skate outdoors
15. Fly on my own
18. Wear a gown (done sep 8th, 2012)
19. Color my hair
20. Sing in public  (done)

To Be Continued ...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

If only

If only I could write down what I really felt. The truth.
If only I knew what I truly feel. A lie.
If only you could read my mind. The key.

The key to free me into a galaxy filled with emptiness. Ready.

If only I knew what to fill it up with. Love.
If only I knew where love came from. God.
If only I knew. . . . If only I knew.

Knew where to face. The future.

If only I would look with my eyes. My window.
If only I would see with my mind. The truth teller.
If only my heart would shut up. The trader. (what a bipolar freak you are)

A freak that allows you to feel. Emotions.

If only you knew.
If only you knew.
If only you knew.