Sunday, April 24, 2011

If only

If only I could write down what I really felt. The truth.
If only I knew what I truly feel. A lie.
If only you could read my mind. The key.

The key to free me into a galaxy filled with emptiness. Ready.

If only I knew what to fill it up with. Love.
If only I knew where love came from. God.
If only I knew. . . . If only I knew.

Knew where to face. The future.

If only I would look with my eyes. My window.
If only I would see with my mind. The truth teller.
If only my heart would shut up. The trader. (what a bipolar freak you are)

A freak that allows you to feel. Emotions.

If only you knew.
If only you knew.
If only you knew.


  1. Oh. My. Gosh. Woman. I FREAKING LOVE THIS!

  2. I'm glad you do honey bunches less than three less than three

  3. cute love. *whisper* (don't let pepe see it...he thinks poems all have to rhyme and have perfectly arranged stanzas)

  4. Thanks pink! (Don't worry about him, I know he prefures ryming poems but, I also know he will appreciate my effort) (:

  5. LADY where are the rests of ur posts! I have to read one cuz I was going to tell you i finally understood the title of your post :More things I don't have to say! I clicked on it on my dashboard and it was gone! what happened!?
