Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The last 5 years

 Not that any of you care to know. But a lot and a whole lot of nothing has happened in the last 5 years. 

January 5th, 2015 - I turned 24. This was strange, it was the first time I realized my face was showing signs of age. Nothing major, just, very small faint CHANEL bags under my eyes. That was the moment I knew that, time was just not in my favor. Time doesn't try to be anyway. But I knew that the girl I once knew, was no longer because she had grown up. 

January 9th, 2015- I know... 4 days later... I married a man. A man who not only puts up with me and my crazy mental friends, but a man who stood by my side and fought the dragon. He wasn't afraid. I have grown to depend on him so much. My anxiety goes through the roof if he is not around. I guess that's a good and bad thing all at the same time. 

Sometime in 2017- I started gaining SO much weight. Like a lot... Went to doctors and turns out its just me and my pour self-control... 

September something 2018? I began working at a school. Man I love working at a school. Its been the best job I have ever had! I love working with kids . They say the funniest and more honest things a tiny human being could ever think of. I will never forget when a 5 year came to give me a hug and said "ooo, Mrs. Abby!!! You're so squishy!" Sigh. I couldn't help but laugh and say "AW honey... That is the NICEST way of calling someone fat". 

Sometime in 2019- I kept gaining weight. 

Sometime in 2020- Lost a few pounds during this one crazy world wide event. What's it called again? OH YEA A PENDEMIC! Lost weight during quarantine just to gain it all back the first week of school. (In person learning that is) 

Fast-forward to today. November 18, 2020. Thanksgiving break is coming up and I am so ready for a week off. No screens for that week and I NEED it. I am also getting ready to make a huge step in adulthood. Maybe I'll write about it in 5 years. 

Anyway, it was nice catching up with you. 

Ps: During these 5 years my husband and I have traveled and we were planning on going to Europe this past summer.. Thanks COVID. Thanks a lot. 

Oh and I am turning 30. I will be thirty, flirty but need to work on the thriving part.

See ya later! -Abby Love 

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