Monday, August 8, 2016

Her favorite color is Pink

Shes the kind of girl you don't remember meeting. She's that girl that somehow appears in your life and you just can't get rid of. 

I can't remember the day I met her, but I know I will never forget her. 

She's complicated in a beautiful way. Intellectual, dorky and wonderful. Always knows what to say but never knows when to shut up. I like it though. That's what makes her unforgettable and irreplaceable. 

Her story is some what of a secret though. It's strange to say that I knew a lot about her and yet knew so little. Could a girl really have so much in her life? Possibly. Perhaps that's why her hair is so voluminous. It's filled with secrets like Gretchen Weiners. Secrets of her friends and secrets of her own. But mostly secrets of her own. 

When we were younger, I remember her being involved in my love life. (It wasn't so much a love life as it was an infatuation but that's beside the point. Point is, she was there for me) I thought I was in love, and I thought I was being loved back. Boy number one had been in my life for 10 years, and you just can get over a 10 year friendship overnight. Boy number two (yes.. there was a second. Don't reprove me about it) anyway, boy number two wanted to marry me within two months of talking to me. Don't worry, he was later talking to another girl before dumping me who is now his wife. (True love right?) 

Well she was there for me, through all the tears and depressing moments. She was there. She saw me cry my ugly cry. Uglier than Kim Kardashian's ugly cry, and we all know how ugly that is. 

She was there for me even when her heart was breaking into a million pieces. Teeny tiny pieces you could only see through a stethoscope. There she was, picking up my teeny tiny pieces. I must say, I love her for that. 

It's been 8 years since she's been in my life, and not once have we ever argued. Not once have we ever made each other compete for anything or anyone. Not once have we ever drifted apart, even with our busy lives. I guess we just knew that no matter what, we would always be there for each other. She's never made me feel unworthy of anything. She's never made me feel fat. She's never been a bad friend. EVER. 

I really don't care about the fact of not remembering how we met. What I do care about is how she is in my life and how she is not going anywhere. 

Shes the kind of girl you don't remember meeting. She's that girl that somehow appears in your life and you just don't want to get rid of. 

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